about isabella
Dance to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful… This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking”
Agnes De Mille
Hi beloved ones.
I am Isabella - a wild child, spiritual seeker, eternal traveller. A born lover of motion, yoga found her over 14 years ago in my search for healing, returning to embodiment and integrating trauma - today sharing my own experience has become her life’s purpose.
I am an international 500h+ E-RYT AuthenticFlow teacher (in completion), 300h Bhakti Vinyasa certified, embodied yoga and somatics facilitator, and space holder for feminine mysticism, non-dual tantric meditation, Embodied Mama®️, Embodied Yin®️ and Shake the Dust®️ experiences.
My teachings are driven by the somatic concepts of the Body Mind Centering (BMC) school and the principles of Embodied Flow. I am or was learning with Satu Tuomela, Hareesh, Sally Kempton and Tara Judelle. I further studied Bhakti Yoga and sound activation, rendering mantras, vibrations and voice key elements of her teaching. I hold and accompanies Kirtans - the devotional chanting of mantras and integrates mantras in every day and every class.
My immersions, classes and experiences offered are artful creations of feminine frequency work, somatics, embodied yoga, sacred sound, dance and the non-dual tantric philosophy. They are designed to cultivate the fluid feminine, mystical, wildly intuitive in us and to embrace our lunar, soft qualities and ancient knowing. The roots and ultimate purpose of my own and taught practice is to awaken consciousness on the cellular level, in our organs, systems and physical structure of our body; ultimately her containers aim to foster transformation and to AWAKEN in this life to our most authentic Self.
Why I practice & teach
Yoga is my method to explore my limits and my own and the merging with universal consciousness.
It enables me to cultivate the balance between perseverance and surrender in order to find, accept to or overcome obstacles.
Devoting total awareness to embodied sensations & stories and the linkage of breath, mind and movement I find yoga to be a key instrument to learn the long-lost language of emotional awareness, intuition and somatic intelligence. To teach this is one of my key drivers to do what I love.
Discover and live up to my own inherent, soft nature and its beauty which is here to nourish me and the world.
To embody the mother current that can hold all stories, create safe space and re-cultivate the ancient wisdom of the earth body.
To facilitate this inner knowing and nourishing power in each woman who is prepared to open to her inherent, ancient qualities of the divine mother.
Yoga provides a toolset for consolidating the stories, experiences and encounters in my life, mind, body, spirit and heart.
At the center of this all rests the practice of embodiment: to overcome the duality of mind and body and to re-establish the inherent interaction between them through breath and movement. I find integration to be a key element in my life to
My Training

November 2022
Nervous System Understanding
Anja Bergh
A 20h course on how the nervous system and our stress responses work, what the felt sense is and tools to down and upregulate somatically.
Nov 2022 - July 2023
200h AuthenticFlow
Satu Tuomela, AuthenticFlow
200h+ Foundational Teacher Training in Authentic Flow, including breath, sound & soundscape, fluid-state activation and recognition, Yoga asana, mantra, intuitive movement, elemental embodiment and non-dual Tantrik philosophy and Permaculture.
Sep 2022
DEPTH AuthenticFlow
Satu Tuomela, AuthenticFlow
100h training on TCM, Embodied Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra, exploring the multidimensional capacities for healing by listening and sensing with the whole body-mind
March 2022
Shake the Dust
Satu Tuomela
50h TT for the unique movement practice designe by Satu Tuomela, where tantric teachings meet yoga, HIIT, dance and pilates to awaken to our true Self.
2020 - onging
Goddess Devotion & Meditation
Sally Kempton
Ongoing education on tantrik meditation & yoga philosophy
Goddesses of Joy, Beauty and Abundance - 2020
Cultivating Shakti - A Modern Sadhana, 2021
Your Dharma - 30h, 2022
March 2021
Yin Yoga TT
Ameriga Giannone - Prema Vinyasa Yoga
IYTA 40h Yin Yoga training on the art and methods of teaching traditional yin yoga, the history of TCM andtargeted yin sequencing.
March 2023
Rewild The Mother
Sarah-Jane Perman
A container to explore feminine awakening and meet and integrate the organic aspects of maiden to motherhood transition, embodied mama practices and sharing circles.
Oct 2022
ALCHEMIST AuthenticFlow
Satu Tuomela, AuthenticFlow
A women's only training on the alchemical powers of womanhood, tribe and somatics and Ritualistic Work. An amalgamation of movement therapy, dance, Goddess Mirroring and shamanic work.
Mar - May 2022
Embodied Mama: Pre/Post Natal
Satu Tuomela - AuthenticFlow
40h training pn Pre-& Postnatal embodiment practices, somatics and yoga sequences. A holistic way to support women in pursuit of conceiving and years post birth.
January 2022
Somatics & Somatic Cueing
Satu Tuomela - AuthenticFlow
40h training immersion into the principles of AuthenticFlow and Somatics and the journey to re-defining the way of transmitting practice cues
2019 - ongoing
Tantra Illuminated
Christopher "Hareesh" Wallis
Ongoing training on tantrik shaivism / non-dual tantrik philosophy:
Sanskrit Fundamentals, Deity Yoga, Mantra science, etc
Oct 2019
History & Philosophy of Yoga
Ameriga Giannone - Prema Vinyasa Yoga
IYTA 100h in-depth training on the history of the different branches and philosophies of yoga.